Whats the Difference Between Coolant and Antifreeze? – Free Car Magazines

Fluids can differ. This article will provide an overview of different characteristics of antifreeze and coolant.

Coolant and antifreeze can be distinguished by the simple presence of water. Coolant is made up of antifreeze, which can be condensed. The first step is to dilute antifreeze by adding water, if you already have it in a container. Coolant, on the other it’s diluted which is why you shouldn’t put water into it.

There are various kinds of coolant along with antifreeze. Although some of them can use on every model and makes of cars some are just suitable for certain types. For instance, Dexcool should only be only used on GM vehicles.

It’s important to determine which solution you can use in order to correct your vehicle’s warning light. It’s also important to test your coolant or antifreeze before taking it out. An ethylene glycol test kit should be sufficient for most types of antifreeze. Ask your auto shop technician for help in selecting the proper antifreeze/coolant to suit your automobile.


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