As the Internet gets more complex, the various strategies of search engine optimization, which is also known as SEO, become more and more interwoven. Social media shares now influence search engine rankings, and Google promotes responsive web designed sites that provide an optimal viewing experience across the myriad of different Internet accessing devices like laptops and smartphones.
With that in mind, search marketers have to be more creative with their content. In the past, SEO content only needed to be keyword dense to do its job. Now, the content needs to also be top-quality work that provides users with something useful. This isn’t a bad thing, either. The new interconnected nature of search marketing only means that content can have an even bigger impact than it previously had–if the work is being put in to it.
One of the ways to produce better content is to move away from your typical search optimized blogs and articles, and more towards creative pieces of content. To give you a good idea of how to enhance your content marketing strategy, consider these three kinds of web content that users seem to really love.
1. List Articles.
2. Infographics.
Infographics have a distinct appeal for users in that they have interesting information that can be quickly gleaned in a pleasant way. Interestingly, a website gets 12% more traffic after it uploads an infographic, which only speaks for this kind of content’s efficacy.
3. Videos.
Believe it or not, people are more likely to purchase something if it’s being offered in a video. If it’s so effective, why not go the traditional route and opt for TV spots? For several reasons, actually. First of all, it’s free. Apart from the production costs, hosting videos YouTube doesn’t cost a thing unless you’d like them to be sponsored. Secondly, like any other piece of web content they can be shared on social media and in email, which amplifies their reaching power.
These are just a few kinds of unique content that search marketers can utilize for their future campaigns. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments!