Three Ways to Improve Your Content Marketing Strategy

Internet marketing

As the Internet gets more complex, the various strategies of search engine optimization, which is also known as SEO, become more and more interwoven. Social media shares now influence search engine rankings, and Google promotes responsive web designed sites that provide an optimal viewing experience across the myriad of different Internet accessing devices like laptops and smartphones.

With that in mind, search marketers have to be more creative with their content. In the past, Continue reading Three Ways to Improve Your Content Marketing Strategy

Google Doesn’t Own the Internet But You Can

Internet marketing

Google has come a long way since the days when its founders used LEGO bricks to create a storage compartment for all of their drives. Since that time, it has acquired more than 50 percent of all advertising revenue for search engines online. In fact, a sizeable share of all internet usage begins on Google’s homepage.

But this does not mean that using Google as one’s primary advertiser guarantees success. Google rankings make a difference. But it is a particular kind of Google onli Continue reading Google Doesn’t Own the Internet But You Can

Is Your Business Website Failing to Take Off?

Search engines

The use of the internet is at an all time high. Now that just about everyone has a smart phone, the internet is at the tip of every one persons fingers at any given moment. 65 percent of people using the internet on their phones rely on their smartphone to find a local business to shop at. People do not use the yellow pages of the phone book like they used to.

The first tweet that Google ever made was binary code for the words “I am feeling lucky.” That was in 1996, and the internet has come a very long way in the past 17 years. Now a days, if your business does not have a website, it basically does not exist. People use websites now more than ever to research new businesses that they want to frequent. Most people use Continue reading Is Your Business Website Failing to Take Off?

How SEO News Will Change the World

Seo tools

You might not realize this, but Google’s corporate lawns are mowed by goats rented from a grazing company. That being said, there is nothing old fashioned about Google in the modern economy. Over 88 percent of US internet users age 14 and up will browse or research products in 2012. 40 percent of them will follow up on social media. Leads generated through SEO have a 14.6 percent close rate as opposed to an outbound average of 1.7 percent. And this will only increase by 2014, when mobile internet usage overtakes internet usage from desktops and laptops. Already, 65 percent of mobile internet users use their smartphone or tablet to locate a local business and make a purchase. This makes SEO news increasingly important.

For this reason reselling of a private label seo is a rapidly expanding industry. Seo news is not the only thing that is expanding. SEO marketing, SEO blogs and SEO reporting are expanding as well. This is particularly true now that the internet is taking away from other forms of marketing. SEO news is also breaking new ground when it comes to the methods. White label seo programs in particular are growing in importance.

Private label seo news services are a form of marketing which attempts to increase the ranking in seo news by building articles and blog posts around specific keywords. Companies that use a white label reseller can dramatically improve their presence on the internet, since people search the web for services rarely continue to the second page when searching for a service. white private label seo news services also provide white label seo reports which track the improvement in market presence.

The benefits of white label seo services are apparent. In 2012, 88 percent of internet users in America searched for products online. Approximately 40 percent of them will follow up on social media and at least request information, whether or not they decide to make a purchase. Potential customers are more likely to use services for companies that they found through an internet search than services which they coincidentally heard about through a television commercial.

For this reason, white label seo services will probably continue to grow in the future as internet use rises and people start looking for personalized television options. White label and private label seo services represent the future, and this future is coming sooner than people realize.

A Quick Way to Make Sure Everyone on the Internet Can See Your Business

Google rankings

Search engine rankings are the driving force behind the success of many internet marketing companies and Google is largely to thank. In 1998, the first Google doodle was of the Burning Man, for the famous Nevada festival, to depict an ‘out of the office’ message for the owners. When Google was still in the development stage, the founders Brin and Page built a storage compartment out of LEGO blocks to house their 10 4 GB hard drives that were being used to test the PageRank algorithm. Today, search engine rankings have helped Google grow into the leader amongst search engines. They now can afford to mow their lawn using rented goats from a grazing company. Google does not expect to go anywhere anytime soon, either, since experts are estimating that by 2014, mobile Internet usage will overtake desktop computer Internet usage.

Search Engine Optimization and search engine rankings are a big part of how the way we do business over the World Wide Web. Inbound leads, like Search Engine Optimization, cost 61 percent less than outbound strategies like cold calling. To say that search engine rankings are quickly becoming one of the most widely used forms of marketing and market analysis is quite an understatement. If you own a business, big or small, consider what being at the top of the search engine rankings can do for you. Creating a customized, professional online marketing campaign that is designed to increase your search engine rankings visibility may not be a silver bullet overnight but, in the long term, will boost sales and drive in new potential business.

The old advertising mediums like print, television, and mail flyers can still work but the times have changed. The reason search engine rankings are so successful is because more than half of the internet users online today are performing searches and researching products or businesses online before even considering a trip to the store. Seo marketing takes advantage of this idea and promotes products, companies, and businesses through search engine rankings by creating blogs, informative articles, and also by using social media content. Be sure to explore any and all of these options when you decide to make the leap.