Boosting Search Rankings and Inbound Traffic


There is a staggering 434% increase in the number of pages indexed by search engines among companies that blog. That leverage can result in more leads to your website thanks to your search engine rankings, and users ability to find your content. You can drive more traffic by using search engine optimization techniques and various internet marketing tactics.

When searching on the internet, more than 40 percent of users will select the first organic search link. That means that as your links move up the search results page, you can create more traffic to your business. As you analyze incoming traffic, be sure to track the various keyword searches that drove visitors to your si Continue reading Boosting Search Rankings and Inbound Traffic

Google Doesn’t Own the Internet But You Can

Internet marketing

Google has come a long way since the days when its founders used LEGO bricks to create a storage compartment for all of their drives. Since that time, it has acquired more than 50 percent of all advertising revenue for search engines online. In fact, a sizeable share of all internet usage begins on Google’s homepage.

But this does not mean that using Google as one’s primary advertiser guarantees success. Google rankings make a difference. But it is a particular kind of Google onli Continue reading Google Doesn’t Own the Internet But You Can

Fundamental SEO Marketing Trends

Google rankings

Although the internet has probably been the most important invention in the last 50 years or more, over the last five or six years, mobile devices have become the next big thing. In fact, almost two thirds of mobile device users depend on the smartphones and tablets to make purchases, as opposed to those who still shop via laptops and PCs. However, less than half of mobile devices users seek reviews and promotions via their mobile devices. Through internet marketing research, companies monitor closely internet user behaviors on which they aim to capitalize in order to carve a deeper market niche. Of course, in order to exploit trends in web user behavior, the overall intention of businesses is to use SEO marketing to maximize their online footprints and improve their Google rankings.

Search engine optimization cannot be successful without paying close attention to consumer online behaviors and trends. Thus, SEO marketing research has revealed many interesting and valuable facts regarding the tendencies of the typical web consumer. For instance, marketing researchers have found that only around 25 percent of web users prefer sponsored results over organic results. However, this is not surprising, as most internet users find few things more annoying than internet advertising. Furthermore, SEO marketing research has also discovered that it is more than 60 percent cheaper to attain inbound leads, as opposed to outbound leads. Perhaps the most significant web user habit uncovered by SEO marketing research, however, is that the top ranked organic results are only clicked on by slightly more than 40 percent of internet users.

In order for companies to be successful in the online marketing realm of today, smart SEO marketing is fundamental to every business, regardless of size. Although the internet has created a market that is rife with opportunity, it is also over saturated with ambitious and savvy competitors. Therefore, all companies, regardless of size and visibility, must prioritize their SEO marketing plans, if they hope to survive in a pool of ravenous competitors.

The Importance of Effective SEO

Seo marketing

Over 88 percent of US internet users, ages 14 and up, browsed or researched products online in 2012. Many of these users relied on search engines to find the products and services that they were looking for. In fact, the vast majority of internet users, approximately 94 percent , begin their online experience with a visit to a search engine. Therefore, in today’s world, SEO, or search engine optimization, is an integral part of running a company or business. Studies show that when consumers utilize an internet search engine they typically click on the first link that meets their criteria and are unlikely to scroll through pages and pages of results. Three quarters of these individuals report finding what they were looking for on the first SERP, or search engine result page, while 42 percent of Internet search users click on the top ranking organic result. Therefore, the higher a website appears in search engine results pages, the more likely a consumer is to visit that website. SEO, which raises a website’s organic ranking in search engine results, such as google rankings, is thus a crucial part of effective online marketing. It is also highly effective form of marketing. SEO is also a very cost effective form of marketing. Inbound leads, such as search engine optimization, cost 61 percent lower than outbound leads, such as cold calling. 42 percent of Internet search users click on the top ranking organic result.

Search engine rankings, however, are quite complex, influenced by a vast variety of different factors. In regards to Google rankings, the PageRank algorithm is used to rank results, a process named for Larry Page, the co founder of Google. SEO marketing works on a variety of different factors, such as web design and key words, to raise a website’s ranking. However, if you’re company doesn’t have the time or the talent to preform SEO services in house, it can be advantageous to consider outsource SEO using an SEO services firm. These firms can provide you with expert SEO services. And interestingly, more and more businesses are choosing to export SEO to an SEO company. Overall, outsourcing SEO can be a great option.