The use of the internet is at an all time high. Now that just about everyone has a smart phone, the internet is at the tip of every one persons fingers at any given moment. 65 percent of people using the internet on their phones rely on their smartphone to find a local business to shop at. People do not use the yellow pages of the phone book like they used to.
The first tweet that Google ever made was binary code for the words “I am feeling lucky.” That was in 1996, and the internet has come a very long way in the past 17 years. Now a days, if your business does not have a website, it basically does not exist. People use websites now more than ever to research new businesses that they want to frequent. Most people use search engines to find a company that has exactly what they are looking for.
If you want to make sure that your company web page is one of the top results in the search results, you may want to talk to a search engine optimization company. A SEO company will work with you to incorporate certain tips to make sure that your page is rated highly by the search engines. How highly a search engine ranks your page, greatly effects where in the the search results your website is located. The better your search engine ranking, the higher up in the results it will be. A few things that search engines will rank your page on are how quickly it takes to load up, the amount of useful information, and whether or not the links on your page are good, valid links.
Outbound leads, such as things like telemarketing, are an average of 61 percent more expensive than inbound leads, such as search engine optimization. Outbound leads also have a much less chance of leading to a sale. Things like search engine optimization, or SEO, average a 13 percent higher rate of generating business. Over 50 percent of business to business, or B2B, marketers say that search engine optimization, or SEO, has the largest influence on getting business.
SEO blogs will have useful tricks on how to improve your website design. SEO blogs can be very useful to the bettering of your business site. If you are interested in search engine optimization but just are not convinced yet, follow a few Seo blogs for a little while, and research what SEO can do for you. Read reviews and see what SEO has done to help other businesses like you, and decide for yourself if this is what you need to make your website what you have always wanted it to be.
I am so glad that I talked to an SEO company. My business is booming now just from incorporating some of these small tips.
I am so glad that I talked to an SEO company. My business is booming now just from incorporating some of these small tips.
I am so glad that I talked to an SEO company. My business is booming now just from incorporating some of these small tips.
I am so glad that I talked to an SEO company. My business is booming now just from incorporating some of these small tips.
I am so glad that I talked to an SEO company. My business is booming now just from incorporating some of these small tips.